The Regional Council is a committee that is made up of elected and appointed members from the District Association’s (DA’s). The Regional Council forms a link between the District Association’s and the National Council of the Club. There are four Regional Council Weekends in a year. These take place in various parts within the Chiltern Region. The regional council weekends give members of the District Association a chance to meet and socialise with their Regional Council members.
The normal format for these weekends is, there is camping for the weekend. The Council meeting is on the Saturday morning. Sometime there is a lunch provided for all campers to socialise with the Councillor’s. In the evening there is a social event, this event is organised by Region or the District Association hosting the camping weekend.
Future Regional Council Weekends:-
9th March 10.30am – Wyboston (camping with Beds BCC at The Birches MK44 3AX)
18th May 10.30am – AGM – Cardington (camping at Home Farm MK44 3SN
22nd June 10.30 – Hertford (camping at Hertford Club Site SG13 8AJ (Regional Get Together Weekend))
28th September 10.30am – Weston on the Green (camping with Oxford DA)
30th November 10.30am – Cardington